About Us

The PetraLingua® Team has been creating and developing multimedia materials for children for the last 15 years. The experience we acquired in the field of foreign language teaching has been especially valuable for us.

The PetraLingua® Project has been created in cooperation with hundreds of institutions, experts, children and parents from all over the world. Our team consists of programmers, illustrators, animators and language and didactics experts with many years of experience.

PetraLingua® is a registered trade mark of PetraLingua Publishing Company.


Branko Pasanovic

Project Creator and Director

Petra Turmisov

Language Didactics Expert

Branimir Condric

Programmer and Designer

Tomislav Svjetlicic

Illustrator and 3d Artist

Vlasta Zivkovic

Designer and Illustrator

Special thanks to:

American International School of Zagreb, Croatia
À la Mission catholique croate à Paris, France
Ein besonderer Dank gilt Eltern und Kindern der Burgenländischen Kroaten in den Gemeinden Schandorf, Schachendorf/Dürnbach und Großpetersdorf (Bezirk Oberwart), die sehr motiviert die Ton-Aufnahmen von Liedern und Sprechübungen unterstützten bzw. umsetzten.
Группе русских детей и родителей из Москвы и Перми, Российская Федерация
Al grupo de niños españoles y sus padres en Milán, Italia